
Our Dental Promotions and Specials

- Trusted Dentists in Mequon - Michael Kim and Melissa Lentz DDS

Smiles For Life Program

Whiten Your Smile & Help a Child

From March through June, hundreds of dental practices throughout the U.S. and Canada professionally whiten teeth to raise money for seriously ill, disabled, and underprivileged children in their local communities and around the world. When you pay for your teeth whitening, you’ll write your check directly to the Smiles For Life Foundation, not to the dental practice. Fifty percent of the donations are earmarked for each dental practice’s local charity partner, and the balance goes to the Smiles For Life Foundation to be distributed to worthy and approved children’s charities across the U.S., Canada and worldwide. Give us a call today at 262-241-5558 or email us for more information.

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